Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I currently work at The Aerospace Corporation, providing technical consulting and strategic advisory for USAF and NASA satellite launches.  I am officially in the Propulsion Department, but currently doing a rotation in Corporate Strategic Planning.  This has given me the unique opportunity to see this industry from both the technical and business side and I am looking forward to learning more as this year goes on.  I obtained my BS in Mechanical Engineering from Union College in Schenectady, NY in June of 2003 and my PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Pennsylvania State University in December of 2007.

Throughout my time at Penn. State I was involved in a group called the Science Lions.  We went around to local schools and gave science shows, which I absolutely loved.  Seeing the kids faces when you set something on fire or freeze something with liquid nitrogen is priceless.  Now that I am out in California and working, I want to keep my "foot in the door" when it comes to educating kids about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).  My company is making a big push to become involved in this movement and is one of 100 companies involved in Change the Equation (CTEq), a non-profit, non-partisan CEO-led initiative to solve America’s innovation problem. 

To support this initiative (and my for my own sense of gratification) I am currently tutoring once a week at an after-school program in Venice Beach called the Neighborhood Youth Organization (NYA) and helping run a rocket class there once a week as well.  I am also a guest speaker in my sister-in-law's (here is her blog) 5th grade class in New York whenever I am back on the East Coast.

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